Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Telekinesis! (Album) - Telekinesis

I discovered Telekinesis (actually, it's just one guy, real name: Michael Lerner) while looking through the Sasquatch lineup so I could listen to all the bands I'd never hear of before. Although I ended up missing his set at Squatch, his upbeat, self-titled, debut record has been a staple in my library for the past couple months. It's one of those albums you can listen to all the way through and nothing really lags behind. On the other hand, I wouldn't say any of the songs are a league above the rest, but in this case that's a good thing; it gives the album consistency. It's certainly a solid pop record, worthy of a summer drive, and I plan on a lot of those this summer, so I'm sure this album will spend a lot of time in my CD player.

Here are my favorites:

1 comment:

  1. yuup yup, i know he plays with a touring bad. I actually said that in the original draft of this post but i deleted it; i'm kinda regretting that now. thanks for the heads up for other readers!
