Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Guest Playlist! - Ari Kogan

Today we've got a guest playlist by a buddy of mine. No downloads, just some good old fashioned streaming fun. 

Let me know what you think in the comments. I'm gonna be making some changes and I want to know what all you faithful readers think. More playlists like this? More streaming? Input would be much appreciated. #leaveacomment

1. BTSTU - Jai Paul

This dude is gonna blow up in a year or so, calling it right now. This song is completely original in the same sort of sense as M.I.A.'s Arular, but definitely a lot more accessible and easy to listen to. Think Kid Cudi meets Massive Attack. Oh, and did I mention it's free?

2. Super Market - Domo Genesis (Feat. Ace Creator)

If you haven't heard of Odd Future (full name Odd Future Wolf Gang Kill Them All, or OFWGKTA), it's time to look into… wait for it… the West Coast Wu-Tang Clan of the 21st century. They have upwards of a dozen free albums on their website; this song is off of Domo's Rolling Papers album. Really nice beat, makes you feel like you're stuck in the soul crushing rut of working the check stand at a supermarket. Your homework is to watch Earl Sweatshirt's 'Earl' video and not get a little bit sick.

3/4. My Life, My Swag/Still - jj

Meet jj, the Swedish electronic duo sensation. They have a plethora of really fantastic songs, but I picked these two because they demonstrate the wide range of styles they have on lock. Catchy, mellow, just a lot of fun to listen to. Their Kills mixtape which contains Still is free by the way.

5. Raindrops - Basement Jaxx

I know, you've probably heard of Basement Jaxx before, but if you're anything like me, you never really gave much of their stuff a chance. Meet Raindrops, the song that will knock your socks off. It's got great vocals, just enough synths, and a definite psychedelic feel.

6. Heavy - Chase & Status (Feat. Dizzee Rascal)

Okay I'll admit, this playlist has been really low key for the most part. At the risk of breaking its continuity, let's mix things up a bit with this cut from Chase and Status. I ordinarily am not a fan of dubstep, but this track balances hip hop, DnB and dubstep really well. Oh and for the record, Dizzee is raw as fuck. Just putting that out there.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting it my man! Heads up that the first two songs are freely available on the artists website for download.
